
Saturday 19 November 2011

The new beetle 2012 R......WANT WANT WANT

Sunday 6 November 2011

Project 1600cc update....

So the carb that was obtained some weeks ago was stripped down again, new seals, gaskets etc.... before being put back togehter and given a nice coat of factory silver enamel... all the return arm, linkage etc... was given a coat of brass to again give a factory look....All the jets have been replaced and remounted.

All that is needed now are a few small bits and the exhaust to finish off and then the hunt for the car to put it in will continue in anger...

So a quick reminder..............Before

and now after....sweet...

Thursday 13 October 2011

Mega Rare.... Coffin Joe...

This is a 1600 VW Sedan 4-door, produced in Brazil, known as "Zé do Caixão" (Coffin Joe), Produced from just 1969 to 1971.....rare and very very cool...............